• A person is cleaning the windshield of a car.

Don't Let One Theft Charge Affect Your Future

Meet with a criminal defense lawyer in Southaven, MS

Are you being charged with a theft crime in Southaven, Mississippi? Don't face your day in court alone. Robert Chamoun Law Firm will stand by your side in the courtroom. Meet with attorney Chamoun to build a solid case. With licenses to practice in both Mississippi and Tennessee, he is dedicated to assisting clients in the area.

Don't wait to schedule an appointment with a criminal defense lawyer. Call today to set up your consultation. Attorney Chamoun also handles cases dealing with burglary, larceny, shoplifting and carjacking.

Theft comes with consequences

Law enforcement in Southaven, Mississippi takes theft very seriously. If you're charged with a theft crime, you could be facing serious legal consequences. Some of these include:

  • Jail time
  • Fines
  • Community service

Robert Chamoun Law Firm will work to reduce your charges and lessen your sentence. Make an appointment with a criminal defense lawyer today by calling (901) 596-4022.

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